Big Future
‘You have to be able to risk your identity for a bigger future than the present you are living.’ Fernando Flores.
The term ‘risk’ often has a negative connotation.
‘We must avoid all risk.’
Companies have ‘Risk Assessments’.
Is ‘Risk’ negative?
Risk doesn’t have to be negative. This doesn’t mean that you should start taking uncalculated action though!
There is a perfect middle ground to risk-taking.
Remaining stagnant is not going to enable you to create a bigger future.
What if we call ‘risk’ something else.
Perhaps we can call it ‘Action’ or ‘Drive.’
Regardless of how you label your current situation, I encourage you to never allow yourself to settle for mediocrity, and instead, to take complete control of your life and the outcomes you create.
What does the word risk mean to you?