Hi I’m Emma and I set up this website to share thoughts of the day and to inspire others to live the best life they can.

Emma Alexander-Cook

I currently live in Hong Kong with my family. I’m a Health Coach, a Certified Meditation Trainer and a member of the International Association for Health Coaches.

My journey started with writing about gluten-free and dairy-free foods. Having over 25 years of experience cooking gluten-free and with various autoimmune conditions which have been improved through diet, I began a website on recipes for others with similar needs. This led to information on how to both save money on food and freeze and store your newly prepared homemade meals and a website dedicated to those with that need in mind.

With people contacting me directly in regards to my diet choices and looking for information I decided to train as a health coach and a meditation and mindfulness coach. This has enabled me to help others in the field of personal bio-individual health needs.

This website is a diary of my day and thoughts in a simplified manner for those looking for bright imagery or kind words for your soul.

I hope you enjoy all of our websites and their contents and look forward to hearing from you.